#pragma warning(disable:4018) //amckern - 64bit - '<' Singed/Unsigned Mismatch // // Transparency Arrays for sparse and vismatrix methods // #include "qrad.h" #ifdef HLRAD_HULLU #define TRANS_LIST_GROWTH 64 #define RAW_LIST_GROWTH 2048 typedef struct { unsigned p1; unsigned p2; unsigned data_index; } transList_t; static vec3_t * s_trans_list = NULL; static unsigned int s_trans_count = 0; static unsigned int s_max_trans_count = 0; static transList_t* s_raw_list = NULL; static unsigned int s_raw_count = 0; static unsigned int s_max_raw_count = 0; // Current array maximum (used for reallocs) static transList_t* s_sorted_list = NULL; // Sorted first by p1 then p2 static unsigned int s_sorted_count = 0; const vec3_t vec3_one = {1.0,1.0,1.0}; //=============================================== // AddTransparencyToRawArray //=============================================== static unsigned AddTransparencyToDataList(const vec3_t trans) { //Check if this value is in list already for(int i = 0; i < s_trans_count; i++) { if( VectorCompare( trans, s_trans_list[i] ) ) { return i; } } //realloc if needed while( s_trans_count >= s_max_trans_count ) { unsigned int old_max_count = s_max_trans_count; s_max_trans_count += TRANS_LIST_GROWTH; s_trans_list = (vec3_t *)realloc( s_trans_list, sizeof(vec3_t) * s_max_trans_count ); memset( &s_trans_list[old_max_count], 0, sizeof(vec3_t) * TRANS_LIST_GROWTH ); if( old_max_count == 0 ) { VectorFill(s_trans_list[0], 1.0); s_trans_count++; } } VectorCopy(trans, s_trans_list[s_trans_count]); return ( s_trans_count++ ); } //=============================================== // AddTransparencyToRawArray //=============================================== void AddTransparencyToRawArray(const unsigned p1, const unsigned p2, const vec3_t trans) { //make thread safe ThreadLock(); unsigned data_index = AddTransparencyToDataList(trans); //realloc if needed while( s_raw_count >= s_max_raw_count ) { unsigned int old_max_count = s_max_raw_count; s_max_raw_count += RAW_LIST_GROWTH; s_raw_list = (transList_t *)realloc( s_raw_list, sizeof(transList_t) * s_max_raw_count ); memset( &s_raw_list[old_max_count], 0, sizeof(transList_t) * RAW_LIST_GROWTH ); } s_raw_list[s_raw_count].p1 = p1; s_raw_list[s_raw_count].p2 = p2; s_raw_list[s_raw_count].data_index = data_index; s_raw_count++; //unlock list ThreadUnlock(); } //=============================================== // SortList //=============================================== static int CDECL SortList(const void *a, const void *b) { const transList_t* item1 = (transList_t *)a; const transList_t* item2 = (transList_t *)b; if( item1->p1 == item2->p1 ) { return item1->p2 - item2->p2; } else { return item1->p1 - item2->p1; } } //=============================================== // CreateFinalTransparencyArrays //=============================================== void CreateFinalTransparencyArrays(const char *print_name) { if( s_raw_count == 0 ) { s_raw_list = NULL; s_raw_count = s_max_raw_count = 0; return; } //double sized (faster find function for sorted list) s_sorted_count = s_raw_count * 2; s_sorted_list = (transList_t *)malloc( sizeof(transList_t) * s_sorted_count ); //First half have p1>p2 for( unsigned int i = 0; i < s_raw_count; i++ ) { s_sorted_list[i].p1 = s_raw_list[i].p2; s_sorted_list[i].p2 = s_raw_list[i].p1; s_sorted_list[i].data_index = s_raw_list[i].data_index; } //Second half have p1<p2 memcpy( &s_sorted_list[s_raw_count], s_raw_list, sizeof(transList_t) * s_raw_count ); //free old array free( s_raw_list ); s_raw_list = NULL; s_raw_count = s_max_raw_count = 0; //need to sorted for fast search function qsort( s_sorted_list, s_sorted_count, sizeof(transList_t), SortList ); unsigned size = s_sorted_count * sizeof(transList_t) + s_max_trans_count * sizeof(vec3_t); if ( size > 1024 * 1024 ) Log("%-20s: %5.1f megs \n", print_name, size / (1024 * 1024.0)); else if ( size > 1024 ) Log("%-20s: %5.1f kilos\n", print_name, size / 1024.0); else Log("%-20s: %5.1f bytes\n", print_name, size); #if 0 int total_1 = 0; for(int i = 0; i < s_sorted_count; i++) { Log("a: %7i b: %7i di: %10i r: %3.1f g: %3.1f b: %3.1f\n", s_sorted_list[i].p1, s_sorted_list[i].p2, s_sorted_list[i].data_index, s_trans_list[s_sorted_list[i].data_index][0], s_trans_list[s_sorted_list[i].data_index][1], s_trans_list[s_sorted_list[i].data_index][2] ); total_1++; } vec3_t rgb; int total_2 = 0; for(unsigned int next_index = 0, a = 0; a < g_num_patches; a++) { for(unsigned int b = 0; b < g_num_patches; b++) { GetTransparency(a, b, rgb, next_index); if(!VectorCompare(rgb,vec3_one)) { Log("a: %7i b: %7i ni: %10i r: %3.1f g: %3.1f b: %3.1f\n", a, b, next_index, rgb[0], rgb[1], rgb[2] ); total_2++; } } } Log("total1: %i\ntotal2: %i\n",total_1,total_2); #endif } //=============================================== // FreeTransparencyArrays //=============================================== void FreeTransparencyArrays( ) { if (s_sorted_list) free(s_sorted_list); if (s_trans_list) free(s_trans_list); s_trans_list = NULL; s_sorted_list = NULL; s_max_trans_count = s_trans_count = s_sorted_count = 0; } //=============================================== // GetTransparency -- find transparency from list. remembers last location //=============================================== void GetTransparency(const unsigned p1, const unsigned p2, vec3_t &trans, unsigned int &next_index) { VectorFill( trans, 1.0 ); for( unsigned i = next_index; i < s_sorted_count; i++ ) { if ( s_sorted_list[i].p1 < p1 ) { continue; } else if ( s_sorted_list[i].p1 == p1 ) { if ( s_sorted_list[i].p2 < p2 ) { continue; } else if ( s_sorted_list[i].p2 == p2 ) { VectorCopy( s_trans_list[s_sorted_list[i].data_index], trans ); next_index = i + 1; return; } else //if ( s_sorted_list[i].p2 > p2 ) { next_index = i; return; } } else //if ( s_sorted_list[i].p1 > p1 ) { next_index = i; return; } } next_index = s_sorted_count; } #endif /*HLRAD_HULLU*/