// Specification: Source Tools // Written by: Ryan Gregg // Version: N/A // Created: November 5, 2004 // Last updated: Febuary 23, 2005 // Updated by: Ryan Gregg // Date: Febuary 23, 2005 // Updated all tools to refelect changes to the SDK. // Updated by: Ryan Gregg // Date: December 1, 2004 // Added BinRoot and ValveProject variables. Include "Templates.bci" Variable { Name "BinRoot" Type "Folder" Optional "True" Hint "SDK bin directory.\n...\\Steam\\SteamApps\\\\sourcesdk\\bin\\" } Variable { Name "ValveProject" Type "Folder" Optional "True" Hint "The directory your gameinfo.txt is located in." } Batch { Name "Source Tools" Priority "2" Links "Source SDK,http://www.valve-erc.com/srcsdk/" Filter "Supported Files|*.vmf;*.bsp|VMF Files (*.vmf)|*.vmf|BSP Files (*.bsp)|*.bsp" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD|Shared|ZIP" Template "@echo off\n"_ "set VPROJECT=${ValveProject}\n"_ "cd ${BinRoot}\n"_ "\"${StagePath=BSP}\" ${StageParam=BSP} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed\n"_ "\"${StagePath=VIS}\" ${StageParam=VIS} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed\n"_ "\"${StagePath=RAD}\" ${StageParam=RAD} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed\n"_ "\"${StagePath=ZIP}\" ${StageParam=ZIP}\n"_ "if ERRORLEVEL 1 goto failed\n"_ "goto succeeded\n"_ ":failed\n"_ "echo.\n"_ "echo There was a problem compiling your map, check your ${FileName}.log file for errors.\n"_ ":succeeded\n"_ "echo.\n"_ "${LogViewerRun}\n" } Batch { Name "BSP" Priority "1" Stages "BSP|Shared" Filter "VMF Files (*.vmf)|*.vmf" Template "@echo off\n"_ "set VPROJECT=${ValveProject}\n"_ "cd ${BinRoot}\n"_ "\"${StagePath=BSP}\" ${StageParam=BSP} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "${LogViewerRun}\n" } Batch { Name "VIS" Priority "1" Stages "VIS|Shared" Filter "VMF Files (*.vmf)|*.vmf" Template "@echo off\n"_ "set VPROJECT=${ValveProject}\n"_ "cd ${BinRoot}\n"_ "\"${StagePath=VIS}\" ${StageParam=VIS} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "${LogViewerRun}\n" } Batch { Name "RAD" Priority "1" Stages "RAD|Shared" Filter "VMF Files (*.vmf)|*.vmf" Template "@echo off\n"_ "set VPROJECT=${ValveProject}\n"_ "cd ${BinRoot}\n"_ "\"${StagePath=RAD}\" ${StageParam=RAD} \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}\"\n"_ "${LogViewerRun}\n" } Batch { Name "ZIP" Priority "1" Stages "ZIP" Filter "VMF Files (*.vmf)|*.vmf" Template "@echo off\n"_ "set VPROJECT=${ValveProject}\n"_ "cd ${BinRoot}\n"_ "\"${StagePath=ZIP}\" ${StageParam=ZIP}\n" } // // BSP // Stage { Name "BSP" Title "Binary Space Partition" Type "Program" Filter "VBSP (vbsp.exe)|vbsp.exe" CheckBox { Name "Bump All" Param "-bumpall" Hint "\tForce all surfaces to be bump mapped." } CheckBox { Name "Dump Collide" Param "-dumpcollide" Hint "\tWrite files with collision info." } CheckBox { Name "Dump Static Props" Param "-dumpstaticprop" Hint "\tDump static props to staticprop*.txt." } CheckBox { Name "Full Detail" Param "-fulldetail" Hint "\tMark all detail geometry as normal geometry (so all detail geometry will affect visibility)." } CheckBox { Name "GLView" Bold "True" Param "-glview" Hint "\tWrites .gl files in the current directory that can be viewed with glview.exe. If you use -tmpout, it will write the files into the \\tmp folder." } CheckBox { Name "Keep Stale Zip" Param "-keepstalezip" Hint "\tKeep the BSP's zip files intact but regenerate everything else." } CheckBox { Name "Leak Test" Param "-leaktest" Hint "\tStop processing the map if a leak is detected. Whether or not this flag is set, a leak file will be written out at .lin, and it can be imported into Hammer." } CheckBox { Name "Light If Missing" Param "-lightifmissing" Hint "\tForce lightmaps to be generated for all surfaces even if they don't need lightmaps." } CheckBox { Name "No Detail" Param "-nodetail" Bold "True" Hint "\tGet rid of all detail geometry. The geometry left over is what affects visibility." } CheckBox { Name "No Linux Data" Param "-nolinuxdata" Hint "\tBy default, BSP writes physics data for linux servers. This parameter disables writing linux physics data into the map." } TextBox { Name "Additional Parameters" Type "String" Quote "False" Size "3" Hint "\tAdd additional parameters here as you would a command line." } CheckBox { Name "No Water" Param "-nowater" Bold "True" Hint "\tGet rid of water brushes." } CheckBox { Name "No CSG" Param "-nocsg" Hint "\tDon't chop out intersecting brush areas." } /*CheckBox { Name "No Linux Data" Param "-nolinuxdata" Hint "\tForce it to not write physics data for linux multiplayer servers, even if there are multiplayer entities in the map." }*/ CheckBox { Name "No Merge" Param "-nomerge" Hint "\tDon't merge together chopped faces on nodes." } CheckBox { Name "No Merge Water" Param "-nomergewater" Hint "\tDon't merge together chopped faces on water." } CheckBox { Name "No Opt" Param "-noopt" Hint "\tBy default, vbsp removes the 'outer shell' of the map, which are all the faces you can't see because you can never get outside the map. -noopt disables this behaviour." } CheckBox { Name "No Prune" Param "-noprune" Hint "\tDon't prune neighboring solid nodes." } CheckBox { Name "No Share" Param "-noshare" Hint "\tEmit unique face edges instead of sharing them." } CheckBox { Name "No Subdivide" Param "-nosubdiv" Hint "\tDon't subdivide faces for lightmapping." } CheckBox { Name "No T-Junction" Param "-notjunc" Hint "\tDon't fixup t-junctions." } CheckBox { Name "No Weld" Param "-noweld" Hint "\tDon't join face vertices together." } Space { Size "1" } CheckBox { Name "Snap Axial" Param "-snapaxial" Hint "\tSnap axial planes to integer coordinates." } CheckBox { Name "Only Entites" Param "-onlyents" Bold "True" Hint "\tThis option causes vbsp only import the entities from the .vmf file. -onlyents won't reimport brush models." } CheckBox { Name "Only Props" Param "-onlyprops" Bold "True" Hint "\tOnly update the static props and detail props." } CheckBox { Name "Verbose Entities" Param "-verboseentities" Hint "\tIf -verbose is on, this disables verbose output for submodels." } TextBox { Name "Block" Param "-Block" Type "String" Quote "False" Default "0.0 0.0" Hint "\tControl the grid size mins that vbsp chops the level on." } TextBox { Name "Blocks" Param "-Blocks" Type "String" Quote "False" Default "0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0" Hint "\tEnter the mins and maxs for the grid size vbsp uses." } TextBox { Name "Luxel Scale" Param "-luxelscale" Type "Single" Default "1.0" Min "0.0" Max "100.0" Hint "\tScale all lightmaps by this amount." } TextBox { Name "Micro" Param "-micro" Type "Single" Default "1.0" Min "0.0" Hint "\tvbsp will warn when brushes are output with a volume less than this number." } } // // VIS // Stage { Name "VIS" Title "Visibility Index Set" Type "Program" Filter "VVIS (vvis.exe)|vvis.exe" CheckBox { Name "No Sort" param "-nosort" Hint "\tDon't sort portals (sorting is an optimization)." } TextBox { Name "Radius Override" param "-radius_override" Type "Single" Default "0.0" Min "0.0" Hint "\tForce a VIS radius." } ComboBox { Name "VIS Type" Bold "True" Default "Normal" Options "Fast,-fast|Normal," Hint "\tRun as fast or normal.\n\n"_ "\tFast VIS only does a first quick pass on VIS calculations." } Space { Size "7" } TextBox { Name "Additional Parameters" Type "String" Quote "False" Size "3" Hint "\tAdd additional parameters here as you would a command line." } } // // RAD // Stage { Name "RAD" Title "Radiosity" Type "Program" Filter "VRAD (vrad.exe)|vrad.exe" CheckBox { Name "Center Samples" param "-centersamples" Hint "\tMove sample centers." } CheckBox { Name "Direct Lightmap" param "-dlightmap" Hint "\tForce direct lighting into different lightmap than radiosity." } CheckBox { Name "Debug Extra" param "-debugextra" Hint "\tPlaces debugging data in lightmaps to visualize supersampling." } CheckBox { Name "Dump" param "-dump" Hint "\tWrite debugging .txt files." } CheckBox { Name "Dump Normals" param "-dumpnormals" Hint "\tWrite normals to debug files." } CheckBox { Name "Log Hash" param "-loghash " Hint "\tLog the sample hash table to samplehash.txt." } CheckBox { Name "No Detail Light" param "-nodetaillight" Hint "\tDon't light detail props." } CheckBox { Name "No Extra" param "-noextra" Bold "true" Hint "\tDisable supersampling." } CheckBox { Name "Only Detail" param "-onlydetail" Hint "\tOnly light detail props and per-leaf lighting." } /*CheckBox { Name "Red Error" param "-rederror" Hint "\tShow errors in red." }*/ CheckBox { Name "Stop On Exit" param "-stoponexit" Hint "\tWait for a keypress on exit." } TextBox { Name "Additional Parameters" Type "String" Quote "False" Size "3" Hint "\tAdd additional parameters here as you would a command line." } TextBox { Name "Bounce" Param "-bounce" Bold "True" Type "Integer" Default "100" Min "0" Hint "\tSet max number of bounces." } TextBox { Name "Luxel Density" Param "-luxeldensity" Type "Single" Default "1.0" Min "0.0" Max "1.0" Hint "\tRescale all luxels by the specified amount." } TextBox { Name "Max Disp Sample Size" Param "-maxdispsamplesize" Type "Single" Default "512.0" Min "0.0" Hint "\tSet max displacement sample size." } TextBox { Name "Smooth" Param "-smooth" Type "Single" Default "45.0" Min "0.0" Max "360.0" Hint "\tSet the threshold for smoothing groups, in degrees." } ComboBox { Name "RAD Type" Bold "True" Default "Normal" Options "Fast,-fast|Normal," Hint "\tRun as fast or normal.\n\n"_ "\tFast RAD does quick and dirty lighting calculations." } FileBox { Name "Lights File" Param "-lights" FullPath "True" Bold "True" Filter "Radiosity Files (*.rad)|*.rad|Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt" Hint "\tLoad a lights file in addition to lights.rad and the level lights file." } } // // ZIP // Stage { Name "ZIP" Title "BSP ZIP" Type "Program" Filter "BSPZIP (bspzip.exe)|bspzip.exe" ComboBox { Name "Operation" Checked "True" Default "Add" Options "Add,-addlist \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.bsp\" \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.lst\" \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.bsp\"|Extract,-extract \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.bsp\" \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.zip\"|List,-dir \"${FilePath}\\${FileName}.bsp\"" Hint "\tAdd files to, extract files from or list the files in the BSP's embedded ZIP file.\n\n"_ "\tWhen adding files a .lst file must exist in your input file's folder. This file contains pairs in the format ZIP path Local path separated by new line characters. For example, to add the material walls/stonewall our .lst file would contain:\n\n"_ "\tmaterials/walls/stonewall.vmt\n"_ "\tC:\\materials\\walls\\stonewall.vmt\n"_ "\tmaterials/walls/stonewall.vtf\n"_ "\tC:\\materials\\walls\\stonewall.vtf" } Space { Size "9" } TextBox { Name "Additional Parameters" Type "String" Quote "False" Size "3" Hint "\tAdd additional parameters here as you would a command line." } } // // Shared // Stage { Name "Shared" Title "Shared Parameters" Type "ParameterList" CheckBox { Name "No VConfig" param "-novconfig" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD" Hint "\tDon't bring up graphical UI on VPROJECT errors." } CheckBox { Name "MPI" param "-mpi" Stages "VIS|RAD" Hint "\tUse VMPI to distribute computations." } CheckBox { Name "Verbose" param "-verbose" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD" Hint "\tCompile with verbose messages." } TextBox { Name "MPI Password" Param "-mpi_pw" Stages "VIS|RAD" Type "String" Hint "\tUse a password to choose a specific set of VMPI workers." } TextBox { Name "Threads" Param "-threads" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD" Type "Integer" Default "1" Min "1" Hint "\tControl the number of threads vbsp uses (defaults to the # of processors on your machine)." } ComboBox { Name "Priority" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD" Default "Normal" Options "Low,-low|Normal," Hint "\tRun program an altered priority level.\n\n"_ "\tSetting the priority of the compile tools to -low is very handy, as you can multitask and do other things without really feeling the drain of the compile programs on the system, provided there is enough memory for the tools and the other programs you use." } FolderBox { Name "Game" Param "-game" Stages "BSP|VIS|RAD" Bold "True" Hint "\tOverride the VPROJECT environment variable.\n\n"_ "\tShould point to the folder your gameinfo.txt is located in." } }